Good health and social care are integral to a well-functioning and thriving society. While countries around the world have made great strides in health and social care over the past decades challenges remain, both old and new.
To inform effective policy you need to anticipate pressures on, and from, health and social care systems and understand the wider consequences of interventions. We can help you do this.
As economists, we offer a system view of these problems and their relationship to other policy areas such as workforce strategies, productivity, economic growth and public finance.
Health & Social Care blog posts
Coronavirus: initial results from economic modelling

Coronavirus: initial results from economic modelling
Global GDP: we currently project the COVID-19 pandemic will reduce global GDP by 5 percent below a no-virus baseline in 2020 and 2021
Private indebtedness: the impacts on private indebtedness suggest that the subsequent recovery will be slow – while pre-crisis growth rates ar…
Coronavirus recession: out of a clear blue sky

Coronavirus recession: out of a clear blue sky
Recessions are almost impossible to predict, despite what some economic forecasters might tell you. The current recession has unpredictability in spades – it has come out of a clear blue sky.
In January this year, the IMF was confidently predicting that world GDP would incre…
Explainer: the economics of the Coronavirus pandemic

Explainer: the economics of the Coronavirus pandemic
Governments are trying to mitigate the threat posed by the Coronavirus pandemic to economic well-being.
This blog by Richard Lewney sets out the principal channels of impact and the issues that need to be addressed in designing mitigation measures.
It …
Coronavirus: how to model the economic impacts of a pandemic

Coronavirus: how to model the economic impacts of a pandemic
Not long after the coronavirus COVID-19 grabbed news headlines, requests started coming to Cambridge Econometrics to model the economic impacts – so we quickly began looking into the possibilities. We subsequently published our initial modelling results.
The …
World Health Day 2019 – universal health coverage as a societal investment

World Health Day 2019 – universal health coverage as a societal investment
On Sunday, 7 April 2019 it is World Health Day. This year, as last year, the focus is on universal health coverage.
Despite health being long recognised as a human right, far too many people can’t access even the basic services they need. According to the World Health O…