Our Work

Below is a small selection of the work that we’ve carried out. Click on a topic to see relevant projects.

Northern Powerhouse Partnership: Financing the transition to Net Zero in the North of England

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UNDP Vietnam: Green jobs and employment impacts of green transport development policy

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Tees Valley Combined Authority: Industrial decarbonisation cluster plan economic impact analysis

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Driving zero-carbon transitions and productivity growth in the UK

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London’s economy after Brexit: Impact and implications

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A faster energy transition prevents global economic damage from oil and gas price shocks

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GIZ: Jordan’s First-Ever Green Jobs Assessment

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Strategic Perspectives: Turning the European Green Deal into reality

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European Climate Foundation: The socioeconomic impacts of zero carbon housing in Europe – (updated)

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GIC: Integrating Climate Scenario Analysis into Investment Management – 2023 update

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International Labour Organization: Global employment impact of COVID-19 crisis and recovery policies

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Cedefop: Skills Forecast 2023

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International Labour Organization: Employment impact of Covid-19 crisis and recovery policies in Indonesia

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SEEPIA: Impacts on the economy, energy and transport

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Greenpeace: Affordable Energy Calculator

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New analysis reveals the impact of rising fossil fuel prices in India

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​​Financing the energy transition in Hungary​

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Competitive Sustainability Interactive Tool for EU countries

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New findings reveal fossil fuels are key drivers of recent inflation in Türkiye

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New findings on fossil fuels and inflation in Japan

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New findings reveal fossil fuels are key drivers of recent inflation in South Korea

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2030 EU energy efficiency target: The multiple benefits of higher ambition

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New findings reveal fossil fuels are key drivers of recent inflation in France

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New findings on fossil fuels and inflation in Italy

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New findings on fossil fuels and inflation in Poland 

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New findings on fossil fuels and inflation in Spain

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New findings on fossil fuels and recent inflation in Germany  

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GridLab: The economic impacts of decarbonisation in Wisconsin

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CREDS: The distributional effects of pathways to net zero and the implications for fuel and transport poverty

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Department for International Trade: E‑commerce exports – microdata linking analysis

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Asia Society Policy Institute: Getting India to Net Zero

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Greenpeace: The economic impact of decarbonising household heating in the UK in an era of high fossil fuel prices

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The macroeconomics of basic income

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Defra: Economic analysis of policy pathways for increasing resource productivity

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International Labour Organisation: Global Employment Trends for Youth – Modelling the employment impacts of the green, digital and care economies

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DG Research: Export as a measure of innovation performance in the clean energy sector

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International Labour Organization: Employment impacts of Covid-19 crisis and recovery policies in Brazil

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UK Corporate Leaders Group: tackling cost of living and decarbonisation creates win-wins for the UK

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Electromobility in the Visegrad region – Slovakia

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AIB: Impacts of a social bond portfolio

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Greenpeace East Asia: The macroeconomic impact of decarbonising Korea’s passenger car fleet

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BEUC: Risks and benefits of dynamic electricity pricing

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European Climate Foundation: Modelling the socioeconomic impacts of zero carbon housing in Europe

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Supporting the preparation of Territorial Just Transition Plans for Romania and the Czech Republic

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European Climate Foundation: Assessment of the impacts of an ETS2 for transport and buildings

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CREDS: Macro-economic impacts of green policies in the Economic Recovery Package post-Covid

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Bromsgrove District and Redditch Borough Councils: Section 106 developer contributions

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Leicester and Leicestershire Local Enterprise Partnership: Economic Growth Strategy 2021-2030

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The ROCKWOOL Group: Unlocking the Benefits of Building Renovation

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Leicester and Leicestershire Local Enterprise Partnership: Sector profiles

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EU ETS: The impact of including emissions from road transport and buildings

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GIC: The Role of Climate Change Scenarios In Investment Portfolios

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The Renovation Wave can cut EU gas imports and reduce consumer bills

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Zero-emission road freight transport in Spain

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Greenpeace: the economic impact of decarbonising household heating in the UK

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A vision for urban growth and recovery

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Have the NGFS and the Bank of England missed an opportunity to drive the race to net zero?

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Exploring the trade-offs in different paths to reduce transport and heating emissions in Europe

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Modelling an inclusive green economy COVID-19 recovery programme for South Africa

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Central Bank of Hungary: Climate impact assessment for the Central Bank of Hungary

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Economic benefits of gender equality and women empowerment in the Western Balkans six

Gender equality West Balkans
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Trade as a measure of innovation performance: Selection and assessment of trade indicators

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ESPON-TITAN: Territorial Impacts of Natural Disasters

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RSPB: Economic benefits of nature-based climate solutions

RSPB Cambridge Econometrics
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Green Recovery scenarios in Visegrad countries

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The employment benefits of a Green COVID-19 recovery

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Greater Cambridge Employment Land and Economic Development Evidence Base

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Quantitative Assessment of the European Added Value of Digital Services Act​

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2020 evaluation of promoting social inclusion, combatting poverty and any discrimination by the European Social Fund (Thematic Objective 09)

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Chemistry’s Contribution: workforce trends and economic impact

royal society of chemistry
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Deforestation: assessing the impact of different regulatory options

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Cost of non-Europe in robotics and artificial intelligence

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Oil dependency in the EU

oil dependency eu 2020
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UK jobs dependent on links to China

front cover china britain business council report
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Impact of the Babraham Research Campus

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Working towards a climate neutral Europe: jobs and skills in a changing world

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Evaluation of second Climate Change Agreements scheme

climate change agreement evaluation
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Working Futures 2017-2027: long-run labour market and skills projections

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Economic strategy for the East of England

Economic Strategy for the East of England
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Winchester City Council: Future Local Housing Need and Population Profile Assessment

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Connectivity and Labour Markets in the Northern Powerhouse

northern powerhouse
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Cambridge-Norwich Technology Corridor

cambridge norwich technology corridor
View Project

Data that cares

data that cares
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Transport strategy for the South East

transport for the south east
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Economic impacts of an energy from waste facility

energy from waste
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Renewable energy generation: the impact on the global economy (for IRENA)

renewable energy generation
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Environmental potential of the collaborative economy

collaborative economy
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Enabling the Energy Transition – What drives energy choices in Europe?

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Mercer: Investing in a Time of Climate Change – The Sequel

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Economic impacts of immigration detention reform

immigration detention reform
View Project

EU carbon leakage list post-2020

Carbon leakage list post-2020
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Halfway There: existing policies put Europe on track for emissions cuts of at least 50% by 2030

Halfway There
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Identifying regional circular economy opportunities: Zero Waste Scotland

Circular Economy scotland zero waste
View Project

Protected: Towards Fossil-Free Energy 2050

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Recent graduates in employment: understanding EU targets and drivers

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Energy scenario: employment implications of the Paris Climate Agreement

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Working futures employment and skills projections

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Study on energy prices, costs and subsidies and their impact on industry and households

energy prices and costs
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Impacts of circular economy policies on the labour market

circular economy european commission
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Skills forecast: trends and challenges to 2030

CEDEFOP skills forecast 2030
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York, North Yorkshire and East Riding (YNYER): a study on low carbon value chains and economic growth

study on Low Carbon Value Chains and Economic Growth
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Economic impacts of new or improved rail lines

rail lines depart for transport dft
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Cambridge, Milton Keynes, Oxford, Northampton growth corridor

Cambridge Oxford Milton Keynes Northampton Growth Corridor
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European skills panorama

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Future employment and automation

Employment Automation Jobs
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E3-Thailand: an Energy-Environment-Economy model of Thailand

E3 Thailand
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New Climate Economy: unlocking the inclusive growth story of the 21st Century

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Strategic housing market assessment update for Oxford

Oxford SHMA
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Fuelling Italy’s future

Electric vehicle use will impact fuel duty revenue
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Facilitating care insight to develop caring economies

Adult social care
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Reviewing the impact of the low-carbon mobility transition on jobs

low carbon transition jobs
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Trucking into a greener future

Trucking into a Greener Future
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The impact of Brexit on poverty in the UK

brexit impact poverty
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Economic forecasting support to the East of England

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Fuelling Spain’s future

Fuelling Spain's Future
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Macroeconomic impact of stranded fossil fuel assets

stranded fossil fuel assets
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Fuelling Europe’s Future

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Charging Poland – the electrification of Polish road transport

ev charging point
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Greater London Authority: Preparing for Brexit

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Low carbon cars in Germany

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Developing and piloting a UK natural capital stress test

WWF natural capital stress test
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Economic impact of NHS spending in the Black Country

NHS spending economic impact Black Country
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Economic benefits of gender equality in the EU

Economic Benefits of Gender Equality in the EU
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North Essex garden communities employment & demographic studies

North Essex Garden Cities
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Competitiveness impacts of carbon policies on UK energy-intensive industrial sectors to 2030

committee on climate change
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Designing an EU-wide unemployment benefits system

Report image
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Economic impacts of national health insurance in the Bahamas

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Review of demographic assumptions for Ashford strategic housing market assessment

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The socio-economic impact of the Copernicus space programme

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Northern Powerhouse independent economic review

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Oil market futures

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The Aerospace Technology Institute: evaluation scoping study

aerospace technology institute
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En route pour un transport durable

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Skills modelling for the Dominican Republic

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Fuelling Britain’s future

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The economic impact of modern retail on the EU food sector

Economic Impact of modern retail on choice and innovation in the EU food sector
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Modelling the impacts of changes in raw material consumption

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Model assessment course for the UK’s Department of Health

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