Sustainable Investing for Central Banks
With net zero announcements, advancing technologies and the increasing strength and frequency of natural disasters, climate change has moved from a peripheral issue to a key element of financial stability and macroprudential policy.
We are here to help you have access to the right data and inputs to conduct an effective NGFS-aligned climate stress test and understand the changing landscape in which the banks and firms operating in your country are experiencing.
Cambridge Econometrics’ global macroeconomic model E3ME has the following features:
- Detailed sectoral disaggregation
- Suitable for short and long-term assessments
- Econometric approach
- Global coverage with national analysis
- Future technology modules
- Path dependency in policy and technology
Here are three ways in which we can help researchers at central banks:
- Provide data inputs on energy policy, sectoral output, employment, and inflation
- Bespoke climate scenario analysis which can be customised in line with National Energy and Climate Plans
- Localised economic scenario analysis at national level
Our Sustainable Investment work
GIC: Integrating Climate Scenario Analysis into Investment Management – 2023 update

GIC: The Role of Climate Change Scenarios In Investment Portfolios

Have the NGFS and the Bank of England missed an opportunity to drive the race to net zero?

Central Bank of Hungary: Climate impact assessment for the Central Bank of Hungary

Mercer: Investing in a Time of Climate Change – The Sequel