Skills forecast: trends and challenges to 2030
Cambridge Econometrics developed forecasting results and drafted key findings which formed the basis for the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training’s (CEDEFOP) latest skills forecast update (to 2030).
Skills forecasting provides supply and demand projections and highlights trends in the labour market, allowing policy makers to better plan for the future to meet the needs of employers and prevent unemployment.
We developed a sound methodology using harmonised data for all 28 member states of the EU, using a modular approach, with the following main elements:
(a) the demand side (skill needs), focusing on employment (jobs);
(b) the supply side, focusing on available skills, the number of people economically active and the qualifications they hold;
(c) imbalances, comparing the demand and supply side modules.
All modules adopt common data, methods and models for all countries (EU + Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey (2) to produce a comprehensive and consistent set of skill projections.
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