York, North Yorkshire and East Riding (YNYER): a study on low carbon value chains and economic growth

Cambridge Econometrics, in collaboration with Element Energy, identified the low carbon energy technologies and associated value chains that exist in the York, North Yorkshire and East Riding (YNYER) area and assessed the existing and potential economic value the low carbon value chains create.

The aim of the study was to enable the YNYER Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) to target interventions and explore opportunities provided by the low carbon value chains that offer the greatest potential to create economic value and reduce carbon emissions of the LEP area, in line with national targets.

Specifically, Cambridge Econometrics’ role within the project was to first establish the key components and activities of the value chains of five shortlisted technologies, deemed to be of greatest importance to the YNYER area. Second, Cambridge Econometrics’ determined the economic value of each stage of the value chain in terms of gross value added (GVA) and jobs.

The report directly fed in to YNYER LEP’s Local Energy Strategy, available here.

Please see the full report here:

Low Carbon Value Chains Final Report