Impacts of circular economy policies on the labour market
The aim of this project for the European Commission’s DG Environment is to develop an understanding of how a transition towards a more circular and resource efficient economy in Europe will affect labour markets across the Member States.
The study is the most comprehensive quantification of the EU jobs impacts from the circular economy to date.
The project, led by Cambridge Econometrics (in collaboration with Trinomics and ICF), used a fully integrated energy-environment-economy model (E3ME) to consider both direct job losses and job creations that result from a shift to a more circular economy.
It also captures indirect, induced and rebound impacts from interactions between sectors, Member States, and between economic, environment, material, energy and labour market indicators.
Furthermore, the analysis looked at skills demand and supply mismatches as a result of the circular economy transition. Our findings include a set of policy recommendations to address the circular economy transition while promoting jobs and adequate skills.