
Gender equality boosts economic growth

A newly-developed version of Cambridge Econometrics’ world-leading macroeconomic model provided a key element of a unique study commissioned by The European Institute for Gender Equality. The study launched last week finds that if the EU stepped up its efforts to improve g...

Evaluating the impact of devolved Investment Funds

A consortium including Cambridge Econometrics (CE), SQW and Steer Davies Gleave has been appointed to evaluate the impact of devolved Investment Funds in eleven areas of the UK over the coming five years. Investment Funds The Investment Funds are a key part of each of the are...

Designing an EU-wide Unemployment Benefits System

Could an EU-wide Unemployment Benefits System (UBS) act as an effective fiscal stabilizer to mitigate future economic shocks? Cambridge Econometrics helped the European Commission address this question by leading the macroeconomic stabilisation assessment element of a recent stud...

New appointments demonstrate growth at Cambridge Econometrics

Demonstrating its commitment to growth and a consolidated position in Europe, Cambridge Econometrics (CE) is pleased to announce the appointment of two new members of staff. Building on success in Europe Dr. Dora Fazekas, based in Budapest, takes up the role of project manager ...

Aging populations, robotization and migration among labour market challenges

Cambridge Econometrics’ modelling and analysis underpinned the evidence behind a report published this month, entitled: Future skill needs in Europe: critical labour force trends. Published by Cedefop (The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) the report p...

Vacancies in Brussels

Cambridge Econometrics is hiring a project manager and an entry-level economist for its new office in Brussels. Find out more and apply.

Ex’tax report, featuring input from Cambridge Econometrics, launched in Brussels

Cambridge Econometrics is very pleased to have provided support to the Ex’tax project in production of its recent report ‘New Era. New Plan. Europe. A fiscal strategy for an inclusive, circular economy’. The report explores the societal costs and benefits of an ambitious sh...

Cambridge Econometrics’ report Oil Market Futures has been awarded LowCVP’s Low Carbon Publication 2016

The Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership (LowCVP) announced the 2016 Low Carbon Champions last night at the industry’s leading networking dinner, held in association with Cenex and LCV2016, in Milton Keynes. The Champions Awards celebrate achievement and innovation in low carbon road...

Potential economic impacts of Brexit

The UK is now feeling the short-term ramifications of the Brexit vote and there is now uncertainty around when and how Article 50 will be triggered. Economists expect this uncertainty to dampen growth in the short term.

Our position following the UK’s vote to leave the EU

Life after the Brexit vote presents a challenge to research-based consultancies with an international staff serving an international market. The outcome of the referendum cast uncertainty over the future relationship of the UK with the European Union and, indeed, the rest of the world