
Cambridge Econometrics commissioned to assess impact of Brexit on London

London Mayor, Sadiq Khan announced today that he has commissioned Cambridge Econometrics to carry out an evidence-based study looking at the impact on London’s economy of the UK leaving the European Union Customs Union and Single Market. The study for the Greater London Aut...

Electric vehicle ownership may increase future take-up of Solar PV

Cambridge Econometrics’ analysis for the European Commission, adopted last week by DG Justice, assesses how future residential solar PV (photovoltaic) capacity in the EU is likely to be affected by electric vehicle (EV) ownership and renewables policy. The study 'Residential...

Unlocking growth through local investment

The National Infrastructure Committee today launched Partnering for Prosperity, a report setting out how to maximise the potential of the Cambridge-Milton Keynes-Oxford arc. The report builds upon analysis delivered by CE and SQW last year. 1.8m people are currently employed i...

Consumer energy choices: smoothing the transition to a low carbon energy

Cambridge Econometrics is pleased to announce its participation in ENABLE.EU, a research project which aims to improve the understanding of consumer energy choices in transport, heating & cooling and electricity supply. Our role We will be modelling different scenarios to a...

Welsh library study reveals lower costs and higher quality systems

An independent evaluation of the Wales Higher Education Libraries Forum shared library management system published today uncovers the benefits of collaboration. The report “Evaluating the benefits of the WHELF consortial approach to a library management system (LMS)” commi...

The economic costs of failing to protect the environment

A report published by WWF this week that draws on our research finds that inadequate long-term management of UK water supply and demand between now and 2050 could leave the UK vulnerable to a drought which costs the economy £35bn (1%) in lost GDP and a loss of 354,000 jobs. I...

Transport ‘revolution’ worth £28bn to the UK by 2035

The key findings of a study  published today by the Transport Systems Catapult (TSC), estimates the market for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) in the UK at £28bn in 2035, capturing 3% of the £907bn global market. The research, carried out by Cambridge Econometrics ...

Ground-breaking India model launched

By linking the economy, energy and environment (E3), the E3-India model is designed to allow researchers to assess energy and climate policy at the state level in India for the first time ever. Developed with transparency and ease of access in mind, the model will vastly i...

2040 government ban positive: but significant challenges remain

This week the UK government announced a ban on all sales of conventional petrol and diesel vehicles in 2040. This move sends a clear statement of intent to EU policymakers, consumers, manufacturers and investors, but it is what happens in the intervening years that is critical. ...

Energy efficiency programme could lead to economic, social and environmental benefits

A new report for the European Commission published today shows that an ambitious European energy efficiency programme has the potential to generate significant social, environmental and health-related cost savings: More than 8 million households could be removed from fuel po...