Publications using E3ME
See here for more information about the E3ME model.
Journal and book publications using E3ME
Barker, T., Alexandri, E., Chewpreecha, U., Ogawa, Y. and Pollitt, H. (2015) ‘GDP and Employment Effects of Policies to Close the 2020 Emissions Gap’, Climate Policy, DOI:10.1080/14693062.2014.1003774.
Pollitt, H., Summerton, P. and Klaassen, G. (2015) ‘A Model-Based Assessment of First-Mover Advantage and Climate Policy’, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, Volume 17, Issue 2, pp 299-312.
Pollitt, H., Alexandri, E., Chewpreecha, U. and Klaassen, G. (2014) ‘Macroeconomic analysis of the employment impacts of future EU climate policies’, Climate Policy, DOI:10.1080/14693062.2014.953907.
Mercure, J-F., Pollitt, H., Chewpreecha, U., Salas, P., Foley, A.M., Holden, P.B. and Edwards, N.R. (2014) ‘The dynamics of technology diffusion and the impacts of climate policy instruments in the decarbonisation of the global electricity sector’, Energy Policy, Volume 73, pp 686–700, Elsevier.
Pollitt, H., Lee, S., Park, S-J. and Ueta, K. (2014) ‘An Economic and Environmental Assessment of Future Electricity Generation Mixes in Japan – An assessment using the E3MG macro-econometric model’, Energy Policy, Volume 67 (2014), pp 243-254.
Lee, S., Pollitt, H. and Ueta, K. (2012) ‘A Model- Based Econometric Assessment of Japanese Environmental Tax Reform’,The Scientific World Journal, Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 835917.
Pollitt, H., Zhao, Y., Ward, J., Smale, R., Krahe, M. and Jacobs, M. (2012), “The Potential Role for Carbon Pricing in Reducing European Deficits”, Global Policy Essay, 3 (3): 1-22.
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Ekins, P., Pollitt, H., Summerton, P. and Chewpreecha, U. (2012), “Increasing Carbon and Material Productivity through Environmental Tax Reform”, Energy Policy, 42 (3): 365-376.
Lee, S., Pollitt H., and Ueta K., (2012), “A Model- Based Econometric Assessment of Japanese Environmental Tax Reform”, The Scientific World Journal, 2012 (2012): 1-9, Article ID 835917.
Barker, T., Anger, A., Chewpreecha, U., and Pollitt., H, (2012), “A New Economics Approach to Modelling Policies to Achieve Global 2020 Targets for Climate Stabilisation”, International Review of Applied Economics, 26 (2): 205-221.
Ekins, P., Pollitt, H., Barton, J. and Blobel, D. (2011), “The Implications for Households of Environmental Tax Reform (ETR) in Europe’, Ecological Economics, 70 (12): 2472-2485.
Barker, T., Lutz, C., Meyer, B., Pollitt, H. and Speck, S. (2011), “Modelling an ETR for Europe”, In P. Ekins and S. Speck (Eds.) Environmental Tax Reform (ETR): A Policy for Green Growth, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Barker, T. and Scrieciu, S.S. (2010), “Modeling Low Stabilization with E3MG: towards a “New Economics” Approach to Simulating Energy-Environment-Economy System Dynamics”, Energy Journal, 31 (1): 137-164.
Dagoumas, A. and Barker, T. (2010), “Pathways to a Low-Carbon Economy for the UK with the Macro-Econometric E3MG Model”, Energy Policy, 38 (6): 3067-3077.
Barker, T., Anger., A, Dessens, O., Pollitt, H., Rogers, H., Scrieciu, S.S., Jones, R. and Pyle, J. (2010), “Integrated Modelling of Climate Control and Air Pollution: Methodology and Results from One-Way Coupling of an Energy-Environment-Economy (E3MG) and Atmospheric Chemistry Model (p-TOMCAT) in Decarbonising Scenarios for Mexico to 2050”, Environmental Science and Policy, 13 (8): 661-670.
Pollitt, H. and Thoung, C. (2009), “Modelling a UK 80% Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction by 2050”, New Scientist, 3 December. Full Text.
Pollitt, H. and Barker, T. (2009), “Modelling the Financial Crisis with the Global E3MG Model”, IUP Journal of Applied Economics, 8 (5-6): 5-31.
Ščasný, M., Pollitt, H., Chewpreecha, U. and Píša, V. (2009), “Analysing Macroeconomic Effects of Energy Taxation by the Econometric E3ME Model”, Finance a uver – Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 5 (9): 460-491.
Barker, T., Dagoumas, A. and Rubin, J. (2009), “The Macroeconomic Rebound Effect and the World Economy”, Energy Efficiency, 2 (4): 411-427.
Barker, T. and Scrieciu, S.S. (2009), “Unilateral Climate Change Mitigation, Carbon Leakage and Competitiveness: An Application to the European Union”, Int. J. Global Warming, 1 (4): 405-417.
Barker, T., Junankar, S., Pollitt, H. and Summerton, P. (2009), “Carbon Leakage from unilateral environmental tax reforms in Europe, 1995-2005”, In MS. Andersen and P. Ekins (Eds.), Carbon-Energy Taxation: Lessons from Europe, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Barker, T., Junankar, S., Pollitt, H. and Summerton, P. (2009), “The Effects of Environmental Tax Reform on International Competitiveness in the European Union: modelling with E3ME”, In M.S. Andersen and P. Ekins (Eds.) Carbon-Energy Taxation: Lessons from Europe, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Barker, T., Ekins, P., Junankar, S., Pollitt, H. and Summerton, P. (2009), “The Competiveness Effects of European Environmental Tax Reforms”, European Review of Energy Markets, 3 (1): 1-33.
Barker, T., Junankar, S., Pollitt, H. and Summerton, P. (2009), “The Macroeconomic Effects of Unilateral Environmental Tax Reforms in Europe, 1995-2012”, In J. Cottrell, J.E. Milne, H. Ashiabor, L.A. Kreiser and K. Deketelaere (Eds.) Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation Vol VI, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Barker, T., De-Ramon, S. and Pollitt, H. (2009), “Revenue Recycling and Labour Markets: Effects on Costs of Policies for Sustainability”, In V. Bosetti, R. Gerlagh and S. Schleicher (Eds.) Modeling Transitions to Sustainable Development, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Barker, T., Foxon, T. and Scrieciu, S.S. (2008), “Achieving the G8 50% Target: Modelling Induced and Accelerated Technological Change Using the Macro-Econometric Model E3MG”, Climate Policy, 8 (1): 30-45.
Köhler, J., Jin,Y., and Barker, T. (2008), “Integrated Modelling of EU Transport Policy: Assessing Economic Growth Impacts from Social Marginal Cost Pricing and Infrastructure Investment”, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 42 (1): 1-21.
Barker, T., Junankar, S., Pollitt, H. and Summerton, P. (2007), “Carbon Leakage from Unilateral Environmental Tax Reforms in Europe, 1995-2005”, Energy Policy, 35 (12): 6281-6292.
Barker, T., Pan, H., Köhler, J., Warren, R. and Winne, S. (2006), “Decarbonizing the Global Economy with Induced Technological Change: Scenarios to 2100 using E3MG”, Energy Journal, 27 (S1): 241-258.
Barker, T., Pan, H., Köhler, J., Warren, R. and Winne, S. (2005), “Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change by Inducing Technological Progress: Scenarios Using a Large-scale Econometric Model”, In H.J. Schellnhuber, W. Cramer, N. Nakicenovic, T. Wigley and G. Yohe, (Eds.) Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Barker, T. and de-Ramon, S. (2006), “Testing the Representative Agent Assumption: The Distribution of Parameters in a Large-scale Model of the EU 1972-98”, Applied Economic Letters, 13(6): 395-398.
de-Ramon, S. and Lewney, R. (2004), “Macroeconomic and Structural Impacts of IST”, International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management (IJTPM), 5 (1): 61-92.
Barker, T., Dada, W. and Peterson, W. (2004), “Software Developments in the Cambridge Growth Project 1960–1976: The Origins of Software for Space-time Economics”, Journal of Economic and Social Measurement, 29 (1-3):173-182.
Barker, T. and Köhler, J. (2000), “Charging for Road Freight in the EU: Macroeconomic Implications of a Weigh-in-motion Tax”, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 34 (3): 311-332.
Barker, T. and Rosendahl, K.E. (2000), “Ancillary Benefits of GHG Mitigation in Europe: SO2, NOx and PM10 Reductions from Policies to Meet Kyoto Targets Using the E3ME Model and EXTERNE Valuations”, Ancillary Benefits and Costs of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation, Proceedings of an IPCC Co-Sponsored Workshop, March, Paris: OECD.
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Jansen, H. and Klaassen, G. (2000), “Economic Impacts of the 1997 EU Energy Tax: Simulations with Three EU-Wide Models”, Environmental and Resource Economics, 15 (2): 179-197.
Barker, T. (1999), “Achieving a 10% Cut in Europe’s Carbon Dioxide Emissions Using Additional Excise Duties: Coordinated, Uncoordinated and Unilateral Action Using the Econometric Model E3ME”, Economic Systems Research, 11 (4): 401-421.
Kratena, K. and Schleicher, S. (1999), “Impact of CO2 Reduction on the Austrian Economy”, Economic Systems Research, 11 (3): 245-261.
Lee, K.C. and Shields, K.K. (1999), “Measuring Output Trends Using Actual and Expected Output in UK Manufacturing”, The Manchester School, 68 (1): 75-91.
Lee, K. C. and Shields, K.K. (1999), “Information, Business Survey Forecasts and Measurement of Output Trends in Six European Economies”, Discussion Papers in European Economics No. 99/7, Leicester: University of Leicester.
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Barker, T. (1998), “The Effects on Competitiveness of Co-ordinated versus Unilateral Fiscal Policies Reducing GHG Emissions in the EU: An Assessment of a 10% Reduction by 2010 Using the E3ME Model”, Energy Policy, 26 (14): 1083-1098.
Barker, T. (1998), “The Use of Energy-Environment-Economy Models to Inform Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Policy”, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 16 (2): 123-131.
Barker, T. (1998), “Large-scale Energy-Environment-Economy Modelling of the European Union”, In I. Begg and B. Henry (Eds.) Applied Economics and Public Policy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Barker, T. and Köhler, J. (1998), “Equity and Ecotax Reform in the EU: Achieving a 10% Reduction in CO2 Emissions Using Excise Duties”, Fiscal Studies, 19 (4): 375-402.
Lee, K.C. and Shields, K.K. (1998), “Expectations Formation and Business Cycle Fluctuations: An Empirical Analysis of Actual and Expected Output in UK Manufacturing, 1975–1996”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics & Statistics, 62 (4): 463-490.
Lee, K.C. and Shields, K.K. (1997), “Modelling Sectoral Output Growth in the EU Economies”, Research Report for EU Project on ‘Expectations Formation, Business Confidence and Output Fluctuations in the EU Economies’, December.
Marchesi, M. and Zagamé, P. (1998), “Un Compromis entre Exigences Académiques et Besoins des Utilisateurs: Le Modèle E3ME”, Working Paper No. 48, Paris: Centre d’Observation Economique.