Greater Cambridge Employment Land and Economic Development Evidence Base

Cambridge Econometrics, in collaboration with GL Hearn, Iceni Projects and SQW undertook this study for Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire Councils as part of the development of the new Greater Cambridge Local Plan.

As part of the study, Cambridge Econometrics developed a range of employment projections by sector for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire from 1991-2045 using different approaches, based on:

  • projections developed in the Cambridge and Peterborough Independent Economic Review (CPIER)
  • Cambridge Econometrics’ UK Regional employment forecast
  • the econometric estimation method used in Cambridge Econometrics’ East of England Forecasting Model (EEFM)

Cambridge Econometrics’ employment projections were translated into land requirements as an early input into the evidence base underpinning the development of the new Greater Cambridge Local Plan.

Shyamoli Patel Head of Economic & Social Policy Division [email protected]