E3-Thailand: an Energy-Environment-Economy model of Thailand
E3-Thailand is freely available under licence for academic use and can be downloaded here.
E3-Thailand is a dynamic macro-econometric simulation model, developed as a tool for policy analysis in Thailand. It covers 70 economic sectors, 24 energy users and 5 different fuel types.
The model was developed in partnership with the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization and the World Bank’s Partnership for Market Readiness as part of the project: Impacts of carbon pricing instruments on national economy and contribution to NDC – Thailand.
The objective of the project is to provide recommendations on the suitable policy options for carbon pricing instruments to support Thailand’s NDC mitigation goals, and to evaluate the economic impacts of potential policies on stakeholders.
The E3-Thailand model was constructed to assess quantitatively the impacts of different carbon pricing policies. Policy recommendations are based on the results of the model.
E3-Thailand is also suitable for analysis of other energy, climate, economy and labour market policies. It is designed to assess policy in a highly empirical structure.
The model combines an accounting framework with a set of parameters that have been estimated econometrically from a detailed time-series database. Policies can be defined at detailed sector level, and the model results show impacts by sector.
The full model manual is available to download here:
Materials from the E3-Thailand model training course (October 2018) can be downloaded here:
A set of model scenario files (carbon pricing instrument scenarios) is also available to download here: