
Climate Change Agreements – Cambridge Econometrics joins consortium to evaluate UK scheme

Cambridge Econometrics is pleased to join other partners including CAG Consultants (lead), UCL and Winning Moves, to evaluate the Climate Change Agreements (CCAs) scheme for the UK Government’s Department of Business Enterprise and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). The Climate Cha...

Paris target can be met but only if governments act now

New study published in Nature Climate journal today reveals that the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement target to limit the increase in global average temperature to below 2ºC can be met, but only if governments act now. The research, led by Earth System scientists Dr Philip Hold...

Over-qualification of workers may lead to increasing mismatch between skills supply and demand

The latest European Skills Forecast is launched today in Brussels by CEDEFOP (the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training), providing updated supply and demand projections in the labour market. The forecast finds that the supply of those with higher-level qu...

‘Carbon bubble’ could wipe trillions from global asset values

Macroeconomic simulations show rates of technological change in energy efficiency and renewable power are now likely to cause a sudden drop in demand for fossil fuels, potentially sparking a global financial crisis. Experts call for a “carefully managed” shift to low carbo...

Dr Dora Fazekas appointed Managing Director Hungary

Following the registration of its Hungarian subsidiary company last week, Cambridge Econometrics is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Dora Fazekas as Managing Director of the new Central and Eastern European base. Of her appointment Dr Fazekas said: I am delighted to ...

Cambridge Econometrics opens for business in Budapest

Thanks to sustained growth and a commitment to develop in key locations globally Cambridge Econometrics is delighted to announce the establishment of a new company in the Central European city of Budapest today.    Phil Summerton, Managing Director of CE, said: This is a re...

Cambridge Econometrics completes ground-breaking two-year project for DG Energy

Improving the tools that economists use to analyse decarbonisation policies leads to better-informed policy. Cambridge Econometrics is therefore proud to have led a ground-breaking series of studies for the European Commission (DG Energy) to improve the way that macroeconomic ...

The Future of London: 2030 and beyond

London’s health, further education and skills systems are fragmented, complex and unlikely to deliver optimal outcomes unless more power is devolved to the city’s Mayor. This is according to London 2030 and beyond – a report from the King’s Commission on London, launch...

Transition to e-mobility could boost Europe’s growth and reduce air pollution but challenges remain

Europe could improve its net GDP and create 206,000 net additional jobs in 2030 through the transition from a mobility system fuelled with imported oil to one that is driven by renewable energy. The transition to e-mobility would allow the EU to cut its spending on oil import...

Cambridge Econometrics to assess potential economic benefits of the Oxbridge Expressway

As part of a larger consortium led by Jacobs, Cambridge Econometrics (CE) are leading the assessment of the potential wider economic benefits that would result from the completed Oxbridge Expressway. The study for Highways England will assess the extent to which the new infras...