
EU sets ambitious zero carbon target

Today, EU climate commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete announced that the EU intends to achieve a zero carbon European Union by 2050. The economic analysis behind the policy announcement was undertaken by Cambridge Econometrics and shows that a zero carbon European economy could ...

Householders come together to discuss the future of energy

At the end of this month the ENABLE.EU consortium will bring together citizens from over 80 households at the second of three intensive workshops. ENABLE.EU is an important EU project which aims to bring the European Union a step closer to achieving the goals of its Energy Uni...

Transition to low-carbon mobility in Italy can boost economic growth and reduce air pollution

Italy could boost its economy and create 19,225 net additional jobs in 2030 through the transition from a mobility system fuelled with imported oil and diesel to one that is driven by domestically produced renewable energy. This is what a new study, released today by a consort...

Index sheds light on priorities for skills policy

The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) introduces the European Skills Index (ESI) today in Brussels. The index allows one nation's performance in skills systems to be compared to another's in order to bring about improvement.  The launch today r...

Adult social care: investment needed in local efforts to deliver contemporary data-driven models of care

The latest research report from Future Care Capital explores the challenges local authorities face in planning for our ageing population ahead of the Government’s forthcoming adult social care Green Paper. National policy is currently underpinned by publicly available data ...

Trucking sector at a crossroads

The European trucking sector is at a crossroads and must make the choice between emissions climbing 10% over the next decade or taking a pathway towards lower CO2 emissions, stronger economic growth for Europe and better energy security. A pathway towards zero carbon road frei...

Families’ financial struggles to continue regardless of Brexit Deal

Families trapped in poverty will see no Brexit dividend – unless the Government changes course on domestic policies, according to a new assessment by the leading authority on poverty in the UK, the independent Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF).  In new analysis published ...

Unlocking the Inclusive Growth Story of the 21st Century

A major new report published today by the World Resources Institute's Global Commission on the Economy and Climate finds that bold action on climate change could deliver US$26 trillion in economic benefits to 2030 compared with business-as-usual. The report, based on macroecon...

Low carbon opportunities identified in Leicester & Leicestershire

The Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP) in partnership with Leicester City Council and Leicestershire County Council have released the findings from consultations with local private and public-sector organisations into current energy opportunities and barri...

Climate Change Agreements – Cambridge Econometrics joins consortium to evaluate UK scheme

Cambridge Econometrics is pleased to join other partners including CAG Consultants (lead), UCL and Winning Moves, to evaluate the Climate Change Agreements (CCAs) scheme for the UK Government’s Department of Business Enterprise and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). The Climate Cha...