
Trade modelling, supply and demand… and Brexit

trade supply demand brexit

In a previous blog post I wrote about how the positive impacts of trade may be exaggerated by standard models – and how the economic impacts of trade may not always be positive.

I noted that simulations with Cambridge Econometrics’ post-Keynesian E3ME model would not neces…

The UK – an imbalanced economy

uk imbalanced economy

In the first of three blogs focusing on imbalance in the UK’s economy our Director, Ben Gardiner, takes a look at spatial imbalance and productivity.

We find that London pulls away from the other UK regions in terms of productivity and that the regional productivity divergen…

How we measure poverty matters

Viewed over 20 years there’s been little sustained improvement in poverty rates in the UK. But, how should we measure being poverty, and does how we measure it make a material difference to who is seen as in poverty?

Anthony Barker looks at the new indicator developed by the…

UNESCO study: technical and vocational education

Field research in Senegal

Field research for a UNESCO project took our Director Ben Gardiner and Researcher Ana Rosa Gonzalez-Martinez* to the Dominican Republic, Cyprus and Senegal to assess the potential for a training levy to support vocational and technical education.

Tell us about the UNESCO proje…