All posts by: Anthony Barker

Build Back Better: smarter investment decision making

Portland Oregon

“Build back better” has become a mantra of our time. In the US, the Biden administration is trying to secure a multi-trillion-dollar package of infrastructure spending to drive change.

Together Cambridge Econometrics, ECONorthWest and Hodge Economic Consulting have been consid…

Boris Johnson: what changes for public spending?

Boris Johnson public spending

The excitement of the general election is now well and truly behind us. The government is apparently striving to re-energise the domestic policy agenda now that ‘Brexit is done’…. Anthony Barker, Director, takes a look at how plans for public spending sit alongside the ‘b…

How we measure poverty matters

Viewed over 20 years there’s been little sustained improvement in poverty rates in the UK. But, how should we measure being poverty, and does how we measure it make a material difference to who is seen as in poverty?

Anthony Barker looks at the new indicator developed by the…

The multiple dimensions of inequality


In this blog Director Anthony Barker takes a look at inequality – What does it mean?  Why is it important to understand the wider policy impact?

For many, ‘inequality’ is synonymous with issues of living standards, income and poverty.

Indeed, there has been a ren…