Cambridge Econometrics commissioned to assess impact of Brexit on London
London Mayor, Sadiq Khan announced today that he has commissioned Cambridge Econometrics to carry out an evidence-based study looking at the impact on London’s economy of the UK leaving the European Union Customs Union and Single Market.
The study for the Greater London Authority (GLA) will develop and model five alternative scenarios for the future of London and focuses on both the impacts on headline indicators for the London economy (e.g. output, employment, investment etc).
It will also undertake a more detailed sectoral analysis on those parts of London likely to be most heavily impacted, including financial services and the creative industry.
Ben Gardiner, Director at CE says: We are pleased to have been commissioned to undertake the Brexit impact analysis. We firmly believe that modelling exercises such as ours serve a useful purpose by providing a structure to aid thinking and debate, providing some degree of clarity on what is otherwise a very complex issue.
To read the full press release please see here.
To read the Evening Standard’s coverage of the announcement please see here.
For more information please contact Ben Gardiner.